Ethical shopping, are you thinking about what you buy?

ethical shoppingI was completly floored recently when I looked at a website and found how few people consider the ethical consequences of their purchases. The site is The question was: When you are buying a product, do you stop and think whether it’s ethical or not?

Here were the responses.

2% – Yes, all the time!

5% – Sometimes

88% – Never

4% – What’s ethical?

I know for some, retail therapy is an enjoyable way to spend time (and obviously money) but I’d love for you to start thinking about the consequences a little more. Even if you choose to purchase things that arn’t ethically produced simply being aware of it makes a big difference! 

Personally I think it’s trendier to shop ethically and be conscious of how you treat our planet and it’s inhibitants. If you’re interested in learning more, here is another great site.


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