Happiness in balance

Jodie's personal coaching

Today I’ve been thinking about Balance! I have a post it note on my computer screen that says “Be the mother to yourself that you are to your children.” It’s a reminder for me to take time out for myself to enjoy things for me. Before we had kids, life was abundant with fun activities, we hiked, climbed, surfed, snowboarded and just took the dog for long walks on the beach. (Much to Shellharbour City Councils disgust.)

Post Kids, it’s been a little more tricky to get time out. Little Laura is 21 months now, and Dylan is 4 months, so they are still very little, but the more I’m able to do for myself the more refreshed and energetic I feel. They are both in really good routines now, bed by 7pm and a lovely quiet house, so I’ve taken to doing something for me each night. If I’m feeling tired, I just flake out on the couch with a good book or lounge in the bath with a few candles. If I have the energy I take Benson down the beach. Whatever I do, it’s not long but it does seem to make me feel more like me.

What are you doing for yourself each day? Try find one thing just for you, a moment to be selfish and put yourself first. I really feel like it does make me a better Mum to sometimes ignore the washing or chores and just take time out. Perhaps it’s not an ideal balance, but at this stage in our family life, it certainly is keeping me happy.


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